Channel Letter Sets
Halo Lit Channel Letters come with lights on the backs of the letters, giving a nice glow to the edges of the letters, as well as the wall.
For this, the channel letter gets lights in both the back, and the front-- Giving it a glow from the back of the letter onto whatever it is mounted on, as well as a lit up face.
A standard channel letter comes lit faces, aluminum backs, and standard returns.
Halo Lit Channel Letters come with lights on the backs of the letters, giving a nice glow to the edges of the letters, as well as the wall.
Our Material Sources
Zip Change
A go to choice for most signs, Channel letter sets, both mounted flush against the wall, or fitted onto a raceway, are perfect for both simple and complex designs
Channel letters include choices of
3/4", 1" or 2" Trim Cap
3" or 5" Returns
E-Panel or Aluminum Backs
Acrylic or Lexan Faces
LEDs, Trim Cap, Returns, Face Material, and Vinyl all come in an extensive array of colors, ready to create the perfect sign for you.
Standard channel letter sizes starts at 6" and can be up to 5'. Any sizes beyond the standard will need to be discussed with the custom design team to reach the best building option available.